Bank is named after Satoshi Nakamoto the inventor of Bitcoin.
Cryptocurrency. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash which allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. The most powerful networks in the world. The greatest assets of all time. Users have been made financially secured for life, in exchange for very little time, energy and money. It might make sense just to get some before it catches on.
These tokens are meme tokens created for entertainment purposes only and has no association with any investments, individuals, organizations, governments, stocks, equities, currencies, or securities. Any resemblance or association between these tokens and any investments, individuals, organizations, governments, stocks, equities, securities, or currencies is purely coincidental and intended for satirical or humorous purposes. All depictions of this site are intended as parody or satire and should not be taken as factual representations. This website is unofficial and operates solely as a fan page dedicated to these tokens, with no affiliation to any official organization or entity. Each token is a meme token with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return.
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